Sebastián Tatán Sutton (Since 1972)


I´ve been a location manager from the moment I started in this crazy industry 25 years ago. I love hearing stories and telling stories and all the best ones are out there: in the streets, in bars, cafés, parks and people’s home.


I studied marketing and advertising, worked in international companies, agencies, then moved into location management and for last as a Location Researching at one of Argentina´s most important Service Production Companies where I learned the Art of Service and each corner of my incredible Country.


It was out of need of my friends who became clients and clients who became friends, thats why I started expanding my role of location manager to Producer or Fixer.


We don’t care if it´s a small or a big budget, always we find creative solutions for expensive ideas, showing flexibility when ideas shift, working as a team with a clear communication, lisenning to any type, shape and size of projects for Argentina or the Region.


I’ve proudly Produced Award Winning Videoclips and Stills Projects , work for international brands and prestigious Directors & Photographers. Always working with amazing and super PRO crews, friends and collaborators.

I love my job, I’m a passionate creative that loves to Fix anything…



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